Dr. Ken Vaughn
#1 Go-Devil Road; Gurdon, AR 71743
870-353-4454 x 2
Dr. Ken Vaughn
#1 Go-Devil Road; Gurdon, AR 71743
870-353-4454 x 2
Our goal is to provide our students with a rigorous learning environment that promotes safety and health in accordance with health agency guidelines as well as opportunities for safe social interaction and involvement in extracurricular activities.
This information is subject to change due to changing Covid-19 data and guidance from various Arkansas state agencies. Consequently, district plans will change accordingly as state guidance changes.
The Gurdon Public School District (GPSD) will adhere to the following guidelines in planning for this school year:
Since district plans will change accordingly as state guidance changes, we invite you to review the Gurdon Public School District Plan for Safe and Continuous Learning here.
The GPSD Safe and Continuous Learning Plan developed using input from the GPSD Ready for Learning (RfL) Committee. This plan also went to the GPSD Board of Education.
Public comments can be submitted at the following link --> https://forms.gle/m6UXzLZtWMRtbBjW8
A full GPSD Ready for Learning District Support Plan will be available prior to school starting in August 2020, with comprehensive details about how all protocols and procedures will be implemented. To help our families begin making decisions, an FAQ document was provided with information to be included in the posted resources.
While this plan is updated annually and posted by September 1, anyone may view the progressions of the GPSD District Support Plan here.
The GPSD District Support Plan developed using input from the GPSD Ready for Learning (RfL) Committee. This plan also went to the GPSD Board of Education.
Public comments can be submitted at the following link --> https://forms.gle/m6UXzLZtWMRtbBjW8
The GPSD Use of ESSER Funds Plan is available here. Prior versions are also available at the same location.
The GPSD Use of ESSER Funds Plan developed using input from the GPSD Ready for Learning (RfL) Committee. This plan also went to the GPSD Board of Education.
Public comments can be submitted at the following link --> https://forms.gle/m6UXzLZtWMRtbBjW8
The GPSD Ready for Learning (RfL) Committee consists of GPSD personnel, parents, and community members.
This committee and its subcommittees will evolve over time based on current needs.
Public comments can be submitted at the following link --> https://forms.gle/m6UXzLZtWMRtbBjW8
GPSD Resolution regarding mask mandate
effective August 12, 2021
continued September 28, 2021
revised October 19, 2021
continued November 16, 2021
continued December 16, 2021
revised January 4, 2022
revised February 15, 2022
revised March 17, 2022