Did you know that all Gurdon students in K-6th grades receive a fresh fruit or vegetable snack in the afternoon 3 days per week? This snack is funded through the USDA Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. Today Destiny Norton and J'Carion Brewer helped show off the fresh grapes at CES!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
Dr. Pennington will be at school on Thursday for medical appointments. Call the Wellness Center at 353-5123 Ext. 122 or Arkadelphia Clinic for Children at 870-246-8036 to get an appointment!
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
It's always a good day when you can have class outside! Physical Science students are investigating the atoms that make up the world around us. They learned that atoms have electrons around the outside and a tiny nucleus in the middle. If a single atom were the size of a stadium, the nucleus would just be the size of a pom-pom in the middle of the field. (Can you see it?) The rest of the atom? Empty space! Think about that the next time you sit down. That chair is made of mostly empty space!
over 1 year ago, Misty Woolf
Physical Science
Physical Science
October is Dental Hygiene Month. Taking care of your oral health improves student school performance, sleep and nutrition! Brush for 2 minutes, twice daily to keep your smile healthy. Kids should receive dental exams every 6 months. We make it easy - call the Wellness Center today at 870-353-5123 Ext. 122 to sign up for dental appointments at school with Dr. Byrd. #MySmileMatters
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Parker's Chapel does not have a 7th grade team this year so we will play one game this Thursday night. Junior High vs Parker's Chapel at Cabe Field at 6pm.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Jackson
Everyday we have unseen heros helping EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE! Today we celebrate our custodians who keep our campuses clean and beautiful! We are blessed at Cabe Elementary to have custodians who love our staff and our students! Thanks for all you do!
over 1 year ago, Kim Riley
October's Lunch Menu
over 1 year ago, Kim Riley
October is Youth Substance Use Prevention Month! #DYK People who start using alcohol or other drugs when they’re young are more likely to develop a substance use disorder later in life? Early prevention is critical. Visit: www.samhsa.gov/newsroom/prevention-month #YouthSubstanceUsePreventionMonth #SubstanceMisusePreventionMonth
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
Cabe Elementary 3rd graders had a fun visit today from Otto the Otter. He taught them how to keep Arkansas clean and beautiful. The students also designed posters for Trash Wars. Pictured below is the top five winners. https://youtu.be/xyN3ZUlhFl4?si=eg_m1VuVi3n_gNJc
over 1 year ago, Kim Riley
Reminder, Wednesday October 4 is an early release day for the district. GHS will release car riders at 2:05, bus riders will follow when buses arrive from CES.
over 1 year ago, Misty Woolf
The Gurdon School Savings Program at Cabe Elementary starts soon! First day for Banking is Thursday, September 28th at both elementary campuses. Give your student a head start on their financial future by getting them enrolled today. Sign up at the Gurdon branch or call us at 870.353.2527. Learn more at banksouthern.com/school-savings-gurdon/
over 1 year ago, Kim Riley
Early Release is Wednesday, October 4th
over 1 year ago, Kim Riley
Come join our team! #begreat
over 1 year ago, Gurdon Public Schools
Reminder: Gurdon Public Schools flu shot clinic will be held October 17th. Forms are being sent home this week and are due back by October 10th. Extra forms are available from the school offices. In order to be eligible to receive a flu shot, you must have turned in your beginning of the year student paperwork, including the emergency form.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
over 1 year ago, Kyle Jackson
over 1 year ago, Kyle Jackson
A huge thank you to Kiwanis of Clark County for the $3,500.00 donation to our school food pantry! We appreciate you helping to meet the needs of our students. If you need food assistance at home, contact the Wellness Center at 353-5123 Ext. 122.
over 1 year ago, Wendy Schaeffer
Alex Leon is now playing for the 3rd seed in our district tournament.  Let’s send him some Go-Devil LUCK!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Jackson
Go-Devil fans let’s send Karly Reece some good luck.  She is battling for the 3rd  seed in our district tournament.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Jackson
For those of you wondering, yes there will be a Burning of the Curly Wolf! Thursday after the junior high game!
over 1 year ago, Misty Woolf
Burning of the Curly Wolf